Below are five different films, showing a mix of remote / virtual ethnography, video diaries, and subjects connected to home energy usage.



This is from a longitudinal year-long study, involving monthly video diary submissions. It’s the first video of five, produced at the six month mark. This video reflects on the impact of the pandemic; the other videos were divided into: Life in general; Energy use; and Relationship with supplier. We also conducted Zoom interviews at the start and end of the year, which went into the first and final stage of films. [Nb. this video is not for public viewing or distribution].



This is a one-minute excerpt from an ethno project, evaluating OFGEM’s ‘Warm Home Discount’ Scheme.

The scheme offered a range of advice and initiatives to help people, particularly low-income or ‘vulnerable’ customers, better manage their gas and electricity usage.

As such, the client wanted to know: how effective has the scheme been, and what would help its effectiveness?

The clip above, featuring Barry, is from one of individual ethnographic case studies. We focussed on understanding people’s: overall home and life styles, household energy use, financial management, and engagement with energy advice.

Our case studies and resulting behavioural insights contributed to and accompanied a written report by Traverse.

What are the transport Experiences of Young People with Mobility Issues? / Flourish

Flourish was a multi-sector collaboration to advance the successful implementation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) in the UK.

As part of a public engagement and research project for Flourish, we were commissioned to produce an insight film based on video diaries. We asked six young people with mobility issues, from across England, to record diaries that documented their different transport experiences over a month, and reflect on how their experiences might differ if travelling by driverless car.

(Due to the impracticality of self-filming whilst travelling, the diaries are based around the before and after of each journey.)

Experiences of work during the pandemic, for older people with long-term health conditions / CfAB + IES

This is a summary film, based on three separate themed videos. After the participants submitted initial video diaries, the final films were made entirely from Zoom interviews, and divided into: Different approaches to work; Continuing work whilst managing health; Having the right support to continue working. The films were produced as part of report by the Institute for Employment Studies, commissioned by the Centre for Ageing Better.

Experiences of living in ‘non-decent’ housing / Centre for Ageing Better

Despite preparing for the future, many people in later life struggle to keep up with home repairs and maintenance. This leaves over two million over-55s living in homes that endanger their health, safety and wellbeing.

As part of a new report by the Centre for Ageing Better (CfAB), we were commissioned to carry out four ethnographic case studies, exploring the experiences of people over 55 who had been living in ‘non-decent’ homes. The aim of the report and resulting video case studies, is to provide an overview of housing conditions in England, particularly in the context of population ageing, to inform the policy and practice that relates to ageing well at home. You can read the full report with accompanying data reference, here.