Here are some more subjects we’ve explored, to help our clients: evaluate, design, and communicate their policies, products, and services.
Behaviours around financial planning & pensions | Behaviours around water usage | Mobile technology usage | White goods branding | Home media usage | Transport experiences of young people with mobility issues | Mitigating young people’s binge drinking | Experiences of ‘entrenched disadvantage’ | Experiences of a ‘welfare-to-work’ system | Socio-economic barriers in rural England | Refugee journeys from Syria | Context to and experiences of citizens’ assemblies | Older people’s experiences of ‘ non-decent’ housing | Impacts of an after-school education charity | Attitudes to ageing | Later life community volunteering | Attitudes around driverless cars & autonomous vehicles | Measures around bovine TB | Experiences of an international volunteering exchange programme | Experiences of an international healthcare exchange programme | Attitudes to ‘smart drugs’ | Attitudes to ‘mitochondrial replacement’ | Attitudes to ‘stratified medicine’ | Personal budgets for adult social care | Community health priorities | Experiences of: opioid use; osteoarthritis; diabetes; COPD; chemotherapy; Niemann Picks; ITP; multiple sclerosis; mitochondrial disease; kidney dialysis
We’ve also interviewed a number of industry experts:
Professor Alice Roberts – Anatomist & Broadcaster | Dr Ben Goldacre – Author & Broadcaster | Peter Stevens – Former Head of Design, Lamborghini & McLaren | Greg Infeld – Former Chief Executive, T-Fal | Ian Callum – Director of Design, Jaguar | Rosie Arnold – BBH Creative Director, D&AD President | Camila Batmanghelidjh – Director, Kids Company | Sir Liam Donaldson – Former NHS Chief Medical Officer | Sir John Gieve – Former Deputy Governor of The Bank of England | Sir Andrew Witty – CEO GlaxoSmithKline | Lucy De Groot – Former Executive Director, IDeA | Karen Jennings – Assistant General Secretary, UNISON | David Lammy, MP – Former Minister of Higher Education | Anne Milton, MP – Former Minister for Public Health | Phillip Blonde – Author, Director of Respublica | Polly Toynbee – Writer & Politcal Commentator | David Bowles – Head Of Public Affairs, RSPCA | Joanne McCartney – Deputy Mayor for Education & Childcare | Shirley Rodrigues – Deputy Mayor, Environment and Energy | Jonathan Brearley – CEO, OFGEM | Professor Sir Doug Turnbull – Director, Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research