Below are some examples of work we’ve done with the Centre for Ageing Better, as well as some event videos.

How do older people help each other out within their communities? / Centre for Ageing Better

This is a 1-minute ‘teaser’ compilation snapshot, based on four ethnographic case studies exploring ‘community contributions’ across England. You can see the full length individual case study videos here.

What matters when it comes to getting older? / Centre for Ageing Better

How do older people feel about ageing in Lincolnshire and what can the council do to help? / Centre for Ageing Better

What’s it like to live in ‘Non-Decent’ Housing? / Centre for Ageing Better

What does ageism in employment look like? / Centre for Ageing Better

What does ageism in newspapers look like? / Centre for Ageing Better

What were the impacts of projects aimed at engaging and supporting older volunteers?  / Centre for Ageing Better

How does having a long-term condition affect how people work? / Centre for Ageing Better


What’s the value of an ‘Age-friendly Network’? / Centre for Ageing Better

What do people think about driverless cars? / Department for Transport

What’s the value of citizens’ assemblies? / Department of Digital, Culture, Sport & Media

What went on at a citizens’ assembly to tackle hate crime? / Waltham Forest Council