Below are some examples of relevant project work. You can find more examples on our Case Studies and Blog pages.

The Natural Environment: Increasing Access & Usage To Support Mental Health & Wellbeing / DEFRA

Aim: Defra wanted to better understand how to encourage engagement with the natural environment, to improve people’s wellbeing. So they commissioned Renaisi and Close-Up Research to carry out research across the country from 2019 into 2020. Renaisi produced the written report, whilst we produced an accompanying summary video of ethnographic case studies, from four projects in Pendle, Lancashire.

Result: We produced this 5m30s film, summarising four case study areas, and consisting of the following themed sections: Types Of Activities; Motivations; Getting Involved; Recommendations. The report and film are due to be signed off and published imminently. Until then, this video is not for public viewing.

Understanding Environmental Volunteering Amongst Young People / DEFRA

Aim: Defra wanted to better understand the barriers and enablers to environmental volunteering and identify how young people could be better supported to take part. So they commissioned a report by Traverse, with video case studies by Close-Up Research.

Result: We interviewed young people from across the country, who were each involved in different environmental volunteering activities. The result was this 11min film, composed of four thematic sections: initial experiences; motivating factors; challenges; and engagement suggestions. Those thematic sections were then also delivered as four separate stand-alone films. And a further three short clips were delivered for Twitter / social media.

Bovine TB Control Measures: explainer animation + grassroots perspectives / DEFRA

Aim: In 2013, Defra wanted to engage a broad range of stakeholders and the public in the debate about bTB control measures and the future bTB eradication strategy. So they commissioned OPM (now called Traverse) to conduct a citizen dialogue project, and Close-Up Research to produce two films about bTB.

Result: We produced two films, both shown online and at dialogue events: a 5min30s explainer animation which currently has over 21,000 views on YouTube; and a 7m20s grassroots perspectives film, edited into three thematic sections  (impact of bTB control measures; strategies for future control; responsibility for getting rid of bovine TB). Interviewees included: a dairy farmer, a senior veterinary surgeon, the head of Living Landscape at The Wildlife Trusts, and the head of public affairs at the RSPCA.

Understanding Life For People In Rural England / Commission for Rural Communities

Aim: This is one of our older projects. The Commission for Rural Communities wanted to know: what are the socio-economic barriers faced by people living in rural England? And what policy measures could be made to help? So they commissioned OPM (now called Traverse) to produce a written report, and Close-Up Research to produce a series of qualitative ethnographic video case studies, to provide a comprehensive picture of life for people living in rural England.

Result: We produced this ethnographic film of 8m10s, which featured three different participant case studies, each from a different part of the country. The film was edited into four themes: people’s experiences of transport access, jobs and industry, housing, leisure facilities, and shops and services. This video has since appeared on the Community Channel, and been included in the French Ministry of Agriculture’s educational toolkit.