Relevant Examples

Below are some examples of our project work with: people living in areas of deprivation; people with a learning disability and autistic people; people with long-term health conditions; people with a physical disability; children and young people; people aged 55 and over; and people experiencing homelessness. Close-Up’s director also works directly with other groups, such as vulnerable migrants and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, through their not-for-profit Film For Humanity.


Power To Change’s ‘Empowering Places programme’ funds community anchor organisations in six areas of high deprivation, to ‘catalyse’ and support the growth of new community businesses. We produced this long-form ethnographic research video investigating the impact at a grassroots level. It features three catalyst organisations, as well as over twenty community businesses that they have supported, and local residents. There are chapter markers in the play bar.

DEPRIVATION: What are the socio-economic barriers faced by the ‘working poor’? / National Consumer Council

One of our much older projects, this film was twice shown at The House of Commons. We focussed on people’s experiences of: jobs and money, housing and transport, time and relationships, and consumer services. “The case studies were hugely effective and helped us to secure important policy changes” – Senior Policy Advocate, NCC.

HOMELESSNESS & CYP: What are the experiences of young people living in temporary housing? / Children’s Rights Alliance for England

We worked with several young people who have lived in temporary housing, to understand what life has been like for them, and come up with a respectful and effective way to communicate their experiences. To protect the young people’s privacy, no faces are shown. But the voices you hear are not performed, they’re from authentic interviews with the participants, who also helped out on set for the filming as part of a ‘co-production’ process. The resulting campaign film was shown to MPs at the House of Commons.

CYP & Health: How do ‘behavioural difficulties’ affect children and their families? / Impact on Urban Health

We conducted ethnographic studies with 18 families. As well as the video case study above and written portraits, we produced this case study audio ‘podcast’, and an insights report with recommendations for better support. We also produced a Twitter-length version of the video for social media.

CYP: What were the impacts of a ‘Family Innovation Fund’ for families with children experiencing ‘extreme behaviour’? / Essex County Council

CYP: What are the impacts for young people of the Violence Reduction Unit’s ‘Stronger Futures Programme’? / London Mayor’s Office for Policing & Crime

Learning Disability & Autism: What are the lessons from the pandemic for health and social care for people with learning disabilities? / Social Care Institute for Excellence

Long-Term Health Conditions: What are the health priorities for people in Lambeth & Southwark? / Guys & St Thomas’ Charity

Long-Term Health Conditions: What are the impacts of Personal Health Budgets / NHS England

This is one of the video case studies we produced exploring the impacts of personal health budgets. It features Adrian, as well as interviews with his personal assistant and two service providers. “You really take the the time to understand our needs, balancing that effectively with providing expert advice. The quality of the case studies has been consistently high, and they’re now regularly used to help people understand the impacts of more personalised care. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending you.” – Senior Communications Manager, NHS England


The above video is a 1-minute compilation snapshot, based on four ethnographic case studies. You can see each of the four individual case studies here.

PEOPLE AGED OVER 55: What’s it like growing older in Lincolnshire, and how can the council help? / Lincolnshire County Council

These interviews were recorded in audio-only format, and accompanied by photos of the participants and their local environments.

Long-Term Health Condition & Aged Over 55: What were the work experiences of older people with health conditions during COVID-19? / The Institute for Employment Studies

Long-Term Health Condition & CYP: What are the transport experiences of young people with mobility issues / Flourish

This film is a form remote or digital ethnography. We asked six young people with mobility issues, from across England, to record diaries that documented their different transport experiences over a month, and reflect on how their experiences might differ if travelling by driverless car. Due to the impracticality of filming whilst travelling, the diaries were recorded before and after each journey.