Below are some examples of work with young people.

How do ‘behavioural difficulties’ affect children and their families? / Impact on Urban Health

Short clip for Twitter. We conducted ethnographic studies with 18 families. As well as video output, we produced written portraits, a case study podcast, and an insights report with recommendations for better support. You can read the report here, or watch the full film here.

What are the impacts for young people of the Young Londoners Fund? / Greater London Authority

Short edit for Twitter. Watch the full film here.

What are the impacts for young people of the Violence Reduction Unit’s ‘Stronger Futures Programme’? / Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime

What were the impacts of a ‘family innovation fund’? / Essex County Council

What were the impacts of a Cultural Citizens Programme for young people? / Arts Council England

What are the experiences of young people living in temporary housing? / Children’s Rights Alliance for England

Campaign video using real interviews with young people, who also helped out on set during the shoot. This film was shown at The House of Commons to highlight the realities of living in temporary housing.

What are the transport Experiences of Young People with Mobility Issues? / Flourish

This film is a form remote or digital ethnography. We asked six young people with mobility issues, from across England, to record diaries that documented their different transport experiences over a month, and reflect on how their experiences might differ if travelling by driverless car. Due to the impracticality of filming whilst travelling, the diaries were recorded before and after each journey.

What are the impacts of an after-school support charity? / Into University

As part of the charity’s 2019 evaluation report, we were commissioned to spend a month visiting one centre, in Brent, to create an in-depth ethnographic video case study about the place and its impact.


To find out more about the young people who attend IntoUniversity’s after-school support centres, we visited attendees across the country, to take their photo portraits and interview them in their homes. The theme we used for both the portraits and interviews was ‘three things that bring you most joy’.