04 Jan What are the health priorities for people in Lambeth & Southwark?
This is a one-min snippet from a project for Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity, in collaboration with Renaisi, exploring the health priorities for people living in Lambeth and Southwark. You can watch the full 4min edit here.
This project involved visiting five locations across the boroughs, from a BMX club in Peckham, to a community garden in Streatham, to speak with as many different people as possible. The main questions were: what are the most pressing health issues in the area and why? And what could be done to help?
Overwhelmingly, mental health was flagged as the most important health issue. Violent crime and homelessness were also mentioned, often in association with mental health. And air pollution was also flagged (which, although not mentioned by people interviewed, has also been implicated in affecting both mental health and levels of violent crime).
It was really encouraging to see how passionate people were about tackling the issues, and to hear so many sensible-sounding solutions, many of which focussed on preventative and holistic approaches.
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